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Poster Reception #3

April 10, 2025 from 7:30 am to 9:00 am

The Gastric Distress Questionnaire: Initial Validation of a Screening Tool for Gastric Pain in People with IDD, Kelly Wade, (Tackboard #1)

The Association of Social Communication and Sensory Regulation Traits to Cognition in Infants with Varying Levels of Neurodevelopmental Risk, Allison Q. Phillips, (Tackboard #2)

Validation of the NIH Toolbox Version 3 in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Learning Disabilities, Jiwon Kim, (Tackboard #3)

Myelin Water Fraction and Quantitative Relaxation Rate Differences in Orienting Attention-Related Regions in Autism, Christy Yoon, (Tackboard #4)

Examining the relationship between sensory reactivity symptoms and repetitive behavior in Phelan-McDermid syndrome, Francesca Garces, (Tackboard #5)

Role of Leisure and Sleep in Promoting Daily Physical Activity in Adults with Down Syndrome, Melissa Jenkins, (Tackboard #6)

Understanding Autistic Adolescents’ Willingness to Disclose their Diagnosis to Friends and their Feelings about their Diagnosis, Chloe Neuman, (Tackboard #7)

A Longitudinal Investigation of Auditory Evoked Potentials (AEPs) in CLN3 Batten Disease, Eve Lang, (Tackboard #8)

Navigating Misinformation: Parental Stress and Information-Seeking Behaviors in the Context of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Darby Salge, (Tackboard #9)

An ADOS-Derived Joint Attention Factor for Module 3: Construct Validity and Links to Intelligence in Autistic Children, Andrew Dakopolos, (Tackboard #10)

The INCLUDE Project: Seven Years of Transformational Research for People with Down Syndrome, Sujata Bardhan, (Tackboard #11)

Emergence of Restricted and Repetitive Behavior in Infants: An Analysis Across Neurodevelopmental Disorders Groups and Time, Phuong Tran, (Tackboard #12)

Longitudinal Associations Between Autistic Identity, Well-being, and Mental Health: Initial Validation of the Autistic Identity Scale, Sean Minns, (Tackboard #13)

Identifying Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Important Outcomes to Measure in Music Therapy for Adolescents and Adults with Disabilities, Rachel Schuck, (Tackboard #14)

Comparison of therapies and services utilized by children with Down syndrome with medical co-occurring conditions, Rebecca Bernstein, (Tackboard #15)

Phenotypic differences in Okur-Chung Neurodevelopmental Syndrome (OCNDS) dependent on location of mutation in the CSNK2A1 gene, Gabrielle Rushing, (Tackboard #16)

Agreement between RBS-R and RBC-EC subscales for characterising SIB among children with neurodevelopmental disorders., Laura Chubb, (Tackboard #17)

Let’s Play Together: Engaging Families and Young Children with IDD in Inclusive Play Using Technology, Ashlyn Smith, (Tackboard #18)

Sensory Integration Therapy in Autism: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Ellie Pazol, (Tackboard #19)

Food approach and avoidance in autistic and non-autistic children: The role of repetitive behaviors, ADHD traits and executive functioning, Kimberly Liles, (Tackboard #20)

Understanding symbolic functioning in toddlers with Down syndrome: Object use, motor skills, and communication, Miranda Pinks, (Tackboard #21)

Systematic literature review of the psychometric methods and characteristics of instruments measuring anxiety symptoms in people with intellectual disability, Catherine Lawton, (Tackboard #22)

Sensory Experiences as They Relate to Naturalistic Social Engagement in Children with Neurogenetic Conditions, Eilis McLaughlin, (Tackboard #23)

Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in FMR1 premutation carriers with children affected by fragile X, Kaitlyn Gregerson, (Tackboard #24)

Changes in Parenting Stress Predicting Empowerment, Mariela Jiménez, (Tackboard #25)

Exploring the association between eating behaviors and restricted and repetitive behaviors in young autistic children, Anna Wallisch, (Tackboard #26)

Post-Secondary Activities Among Young Adults with Down Syndrome and their Associations with Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptomatology, Jessica McNulty, (Tackboard #27)

Behavioral manifestations of gastrointestinal symptoms in autistic children, Robert Gibler, (Tackboard #28)

Brainstem Microstructural Differences are Associated with Increased Inattention and Hyperactivity in Autistic Children, Monica Duran, (Tackboard #29)

Characterizing Socio-communication in Children with Williams Syndrome Using the Social Responsiveness Scale-2, Kaelin Kinney, (Tackboard #30)

Decisional Capacity and Cognitive Outcome Measures in Youth and Adults with Down Syndrome, Kenneth Bottrill, (Tackboard #31)

Effectiveness of a Structured Motor Program on the Motor, Social communication Skills, and executive functioning of Autistic Children, W. Catherine Cheung, (Tackboard #32)

ADHD in Boys and Girls with Fragile X Syndrome: Exploring the Relation Among Cardiac Activity and Autism, Holley Arnold, (Tackboard #33)

Comprehensive framework for understanding employment barriers and facilitators, Grace Anne Herbert, MS, (Tackboard #34)

Caregiver Ratings of Appropriateness of the Children’s Communication Checklist – 2 (CCC-2) in Youth with Down Syndrome, Rebekah Bosley, (Tackboard #35)

Checklist for the Cultural Adaptation of JASPER Training Materials for Chinese Caregivers of Children with Autism, Wenjing Bao, (Tackboard #36)

Exploring Measures of Excitatory/Inhibitory Balance in Individuals with Disruptive GRIN2B Mutations and Autistic and Non-Autistic Individuals without a Known Likely Gene Disrupting Mutation, Sophie Cramer-Benjamin, (Tackboard #37)

Understanding Medical Event Heterogeneity During Intervention: Infants with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) Enrolled in a Caregiver-Mediated Telehealth Program, Gabriel Marotti, (Tackboard #38)

Vowel accuracy predicts word learning in minimally verbal children with autism spectrum disorder, Olivia Boorom, (Tackboard #39)

A mixed-method evaluation of the acceptability of a novel parent-mediated intervention for young children with Down syndrome in the US, Madison Walsh, (Tackboard #40)

Psychosocial factors related to self-injurious behavior within a cohort of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities, Adele Dimian, (Tackboard #41)

Language dysfluency and working memory among mothers of children with fragile X syndrome and autism spectrum disorder, Amy Banasik, (Tackboard #42)

A Comparison of MyChart Message and E-mail for Recruitment Into a U.S.-based Autism Research Cohort, My-Linh Luu, (Tackboard #43)

Preliminary Efficacy of Weekly Regulating Together Intervention Delivered in an Outpatient Clinic, Emma Salzman, (Tackboard #44)

Metaphor use in narrative reports of birth stories by mothers of children with Down syndrome: Differences by diagnosis timing?, Kristina Kleveland, (Tackboard #45)

User Experience and Acceptability of the Parent-Assisted Neurodevelopmental Assessment Box (PANDABox) Tool, Riley Naughton, (Tackboard #46)

The Relationship between Neighborhood Resources and Cognitive Development in Children and Adolescents with Down Syndrome, Christy Hom, (Tackboard #47)

Differences in literacy skill development for children with Down syndrome and Down syndrome-ASD/ADHD dual diagnoses, Jennifer Harris, (Tackboard #48)

Autism, ADHD, AuDHD adults’ falls & walking experiences in challenging environments, Julianna Hickey, (Tackboard #49)

Parent perceptions of the applicability of the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function, Second Edition, Parent Form (BRIEF-2) for children with Down syndrome, Natasha Ludwig, (Tackboard #50)

Executive Function and Quality of Life: The Mediating Role of Self-Determination, Jennifer R. Bertollo, (Tackboard #51)

Culturally Adapted WHO Caregiver Skills Training: Supporting Latino Families of Autistic Children in the Border Region, Cecilia Montiel-Nava, (Tackboard #52)

Feasibility of Peer-to-Peer Motivational Interviewing within a Remote Telehealth Support Network for Rare Disorder Caregivers, Veronika Vozka, (Tackboard #53)

Support Service Engagement in Children With Prenatal Alcohol Exposure And ADHD, Riley Felicicchia, (Tackboard #54)

Improving Executive Functions in Adolescents with ADHD: Evaluating the Impact of the Advanced Tools for Organization Management (ATOM) Intervention Program, Qinxin Shi, (Tackboard #55)

Manualized SUCCESS Vocational Intervention and Broader Life Impacts on Autistic Transition Age Youth, Julie Kersey, (Tackboard #56)

Exploring developmental ability and dysregulation in toddlerhood as predictors of SIB severity in early childhood in autistic youth, Joseph Boyle, (Tackboard #57)

A Data-Driven Analysis of Health Profile Shifts in Down Syndrome Regression Disorder, Manish Ghimire, (Tackboard #58)

A Systematic Comparison of the Stability and Validity of Indices of Caregiver Talk from Caregiver Child Free Play Samples and Language ENvironment Analysis Software in Infant Siblings of Autistic and Non-autistic Children, Insung Kim, (Tackboard #59)

Communication, Cognition, and Behavior in Smith-Magenis Syndrome: Qualitative Data from a Scoping Review, Jamie Linert, (Tackboard #60)

Exploring valence of feelings towards autism diagnoses in teens., Katherine Sharp, (Tackboard #61)

Use of Wearable Devices in PWS Clinical Trials: Formative Data to Inform a Feasibility Pilot, Sara Andrews, (Tackboard #62)

The Aberrant Behavior Checklist in FOXP1 syndrome: Effects of Age, Sex, and Autism Diagnosis, Serena Cai, (Tackboard #63)