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Poster Reception #1

April 8, 2025 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

What Affects Defensive Responding?: Investigating the Effects of Parental Stress, Knowledge, and Family Empowerment on Defensive Response in Latinx Families of Children with Disabilities, Kristina Rios, (Tackboard #1)

Examining the Relationship among Knowledge, Parental Stress, and Family Empowerment for Latinx Parents of Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Hyeri Hong, (Tackboard #2)

Conceptualizing the Substrates and Sequelae of Decreased Sound Tolerance as a Developmental Cascade, Ava Schwartz, (Tackboard #3)

Teaching parents of young children with significant multiple disabilities an interactive strategy via teletraining to increase communication during storybook reading, Savanna Brittlebank, (Tackboard #4)

Relationship between anxiety and executive functioning among youth with Down syndrome, Natalie Snodgrass, (Tackboard #5)

The impact on Executive-Functioniong of Center-based Pivotal Response Treatment in Young Children with Autism, Elisabeth Cincione, (Tackboard #6)

Spatial Abilities in Aging Adults with Down Syndrome: Normative Aging and Implications for Dementia, Sonia Conde, (Tackboard #7)

Feasibility & Acceptability of UC Leadership Academy for Emerging Disability Rights Leaders: Review of Pilot Program, Elisabeth Cincione, (Tackboard #8)

Spatial Ability Development in Adolescents and Young Adults with Down Syndrome, Samantha Zakrzewski, (Tackboard #9)

Caregiver Pain Catastrophizing and Pain Ratings of their Young Children with Developmental Delay During Venipuncture, Alyssa Merbler, (Tackboard #10)

Mental Health Trainee Intentions to Provide Psychotherapy to Youth with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities, Emma Resendes, (Tackboard #11)

Preliminary examination of the validity of the Communication Complexity Scale applied during unstructured observations, Courtney Ginestra, (Tackboard #12)

Exploring the feasibility of a novel executive functioning battery remotely delivered to children with an intellectual disability., Catherine Laverty, (Tackboard #13)

Elevated Fear Responses Predict Later Social Anxiety Symptoms in Preschoolers with Fragile X Syndrome, Kaitlyn Cortez, (Tackboard #14)

Use of autism spectrum disorder Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5 severity levels in the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network, 2018 and 2020, Lauren Russell, (Tackboard #15)

Maternal Depression, Negative Parenting, and Child Emotion Dysregulation in Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Moderating Role of Social Support, Shaina Casey, (Tackboard #16)

Examining the properties of response inhibition paradigms in children with rare genetic syndromes associated with intellectual disability, Rory OSullivan, (Tackboard #17)

Behavioral presentation of children with Down syndrome and co-occurring Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Anna Esbensen, (Tackboard #18)

Disparities in Social Participation among Children with Co-Occurring Autism Spectrum Disorder and Fragile X Syndrome, Maria Gonzalez, (Tackboard #19)

Characterizing Knowledge of Autism Services Among Families of Autistic Children from Low-Resourced Communities, Bridget Smith, (Tackboard #20)

Do Children with Autism Prefer Intervention? Examining the Social Validity of the FITBI, E(Alice) Zhang, (Tackboard #21)

Early Intervention Receipt, Age at Enrollment, and Disparities Among People Aged 3-21 Years with Fragile X Syndrome and Co-Occurring Autism Spectrum Disorder, Alicia Dunajcik, (Tackboard #22)

Assessment of sleep problems and mental health in children identified prenatally with a fragile X premutation based on parental report., Nicole Tortora, (Tackboard #23)

Effect of a Legislative Advocacy Program Among Parents of Individuals with Disabilities: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Rex (Chak) Li, (Tackboard #24)

Pubertal maturation in neurodevelopmental disability populations: A systematic review and theoretical integration, Jenny Phan, (Tackboard #25)

Longitudinal Microanalysis of the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Implications for Adult Outcomes, Elaine Clarke, (Tackboard #26)

Autistic individuals show increased variability of spatiotemporal dimensions of gait from childhood through adulthood, Robin Shafer, (Tackboard #27)

Predictors of Early Responders to Initial Intervention among Minimally Verbal Autistic Children, Wendy Shih, (Tackboard #28)Social skills in adolescent females with autism with and without co-occurring attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Margaret Johansson, (Tackboard #29)

Predictors of Paid Employment for Autistic Young Adults, Giselle Salinas, (Tackboard #30)

Examining the Role of Race and Ethnicity on Social Goal Setting for Neurodiverse Adolescents, Julianna Martinez, (Tackboard #31)

Postural control differences and falls among adolescent and adult Special Olympics athletes and unified partners, Nicholas Fears, (Tackboard #32)

Initial characterization of behavior challenges and relationship to quality of life in individuals with ASXL-Related Disorders, Jennea Franklin, (Tackboard #33)

Understanding the utility of the TELE-ASD-PEDS in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, Brett Enneking, (Tackboard #34)

Caregiver Acculturation, Knowledge, and Therapy Expectations for Caregivers: Examining Relationships among Caregivers Receiving An Individualized Mental Health Intervention for Children with ASD (AIM HI), Stephanie Hernandez, (Tackboard #35)

An exploration of intervention strategy effectiveness among responders and nonresponders of a play-based intervention for children with PWS, Madison Surmacz, (Tackboard #36)

Evaluating the joint impact of physical activity and obesity on cognitive function in adults with Down syndrome, Julianne Clina, (Tackboard #37)

Using the Ecological Validity Model to Understand Family Satisfaction in Autism Services Among Transborder Latinx Caregivers, Karely Valdez Lopez, (Tackboard #38)

Family Cohesion as a Mediator of Behavior Problems for Children with Developmental Delays, Anita Pedersen, (Tackboard #39)

Profiling Executive Functions in Youth with Down Syndrome: an LPA Study, Elisa Rossi, (Tackboard #40)

Comparison of verbal and nonverbal cognitive abilities assessed using the KBIT-2 and SB-5 across the lifespan in Down syndrome, Emily Schworer, (Tackboard #41)

iKNOW Feasibility Study – Parents/Carers Perceptions, Kiranjot Kaur, (Tackboard #42)

Modeling the latent factor structure of the “EXcEEDS” (EXecutive function Early Evaluation in Down Syndrome) Battery, Kaylyn Van Deusen, (Tackboard #43)

Elevated Scatter in WISC-V IQ Profiles Weakens the Validity of FSIQ in Predicting Academic Achievement in Youth with Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Soo Youn Kim, (Tackboard #44)

Sleep quality mediates the association between broad autism phenotype traits and subjective memory in mothers of autistic children, Laura Friedman, (Tackboard #45)

Network Mechanisms Underlying Core Behavioral Features in Fragile X Syndrome, Jordan Norris, (Tackboard #46)

Investigating Differences Between Formally Diagnosed and Self-Identified Autistic Adults Within the LGBTQ+ Community, Teresa Sellitto, (Tackboard #47)

Questions Matter: Investigating the Role of Caregiver Interactions in Children with Down Syndrome, Tiffany Edgar, (Tackboard #48)

Executive function and literacy skills in early school-aged autistic children with limited spoken language, Yanru Chen, (Tackboard #49)

Child and parent factors associated with strain among caregivers of children with developmental disabilities, Manisha Udhnani, (Tackboard #50)

Mental Health Disparities and Service Utilization Patterns in Medicaid-Enrolled Autistic Adults: A National Analysis, Kiley McLean, (Tackboard #51)

Exploring the Administration and Scoring Practices of Standardized Language Assessments for Youth with Down Syndrome, Abby Lutjeharms, (Tackboard #52)

Ethnic and Racial Disparities of Formal Disability Support Utilization among Adults with an Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD), Kameron Stout, (Tackboard #53)

Predictors of service access from before to after high school for autistic youth, Sophia Mueller, (Tackboard #54)

The Development of the Childhood Joint Attention Rating Scale: A PROMIS®ing Method for Autism Spectrum Disorder in China, Lingyue Kong, (Tackboard #55)

Evaluating Associations of Parental Fidelity to NDBI Strategies on Child Vocalisations and Dyadic Engagement, Hannah Beavis, (Tackboard #56)

Facilitators and barriers to recruitment of culturally and linguistically diverse patients in a longitudinal study of early sensory behaviors, Jaclyn Gunderson, (Tackboard #57)

“The hardest part is allowing her to fall”: Mothers with the FMR1 Premutation and Their Experiences Raising Daughters with Fragile X Syndrome, Lauren Jenner, (Tackboard #58)

Exploring Early Language in Down Syndrome: Creating a System to Describe Vocalizations and Compare to Standardized Scores at Age 2, Sarah Schillinger, (Tackboard #59)

Parenting Stress and Parent Engagement in Community Early Intervention Services for Autism: Differences by Parent Ethnicity, Barbara Caplan, (Tackboard #60)

Continuity of Careers of Autistic Adults: 14-Year Employment Trajectories through Midlife and into Old Age, Emily Hickey, (Tackboard #61)