Poster Reception 1
Tuesday, April 6 3-4:30 PM CDT
Poster 1: Executive Functions of Children and Adolescents with Williams Syndrome, Caroline Greiner de Magalhães, University of Louisville
Poster 2: Examining the relations among empowerment and civic engagement among parents of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, Janeth Aleman-Tovar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Poster 3: Increased Resting-State Whole-Brain Connectedness in Youth with Down Syndrome, Kelsey Csumitta,Drexel University National Institute of Mental Health
Poster 4: Stability of Vocal Variables Measured During the Early Communication Indicator for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Jena McDaniel, University of Kansas
Poster 6: Relations of Executive Function and Intellectual Ability to Social Communication and Interaction and to Repetitive Behavior: Children with Williams Syndrome, Marinie Joseph, University of Louisville
Poster 7: The Role of Siblings: Qualitative Perspective of Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder or Intellectual Disability and their Caregivers, Elizabeth Baker, University of California, Riverside
Poster 8: Parent Therapeutic Factors in Mental Health Treatment for Autistic Children: A Qualitative Analysis, Victoria Chan, York University Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
Poster 9: Sensory Processing and Maladaptive Behavior in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Fragile X Syndrome with and without Comorbid Autism Spectrum Disorder, Chandler Knott, University of South Carolina
Poster 10: Commonalities in Coping: Reports from Parents of Transition Age Youth Across Diagnostic Groups, Giselle Salinas, University of California, Riverside
Poster 11: Audiovisual Speech Processing and Language are Linked in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Kacie Dunham, Vanderbilt University
Poster 12: Explicit and implicit attitudes towards individuals with intellectual disability: The role of integrated sport participation, Carly Albaum, York University
Poster 13: Mothers’ Perspectives on the Future of their Young Adults with and without Developmental Disabilities, Elina Veytsman, University of California Riverside
Poster 14: Behavioral Outcomes of Siblings of People with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Shuqi Yu, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Poster 16: Sleep quality and neurocognitive function in children with and without Down syndrome, KennethBottrill, University of Arizona
Poster 17: Program Evaluation of a Peer Counselling Program for Parents of Children with Autism in the South Asian Community, Ann Mills, York University
Poster 18: Development of Inhibitory Control Across Early Childhood in Males and Females with Fragile X Syndrome, Erin Hunt, University Of South Carolina
Poster 19: Exploring the Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure (CAMM) in Children and Adolescents with Autism, Flora Roudbarani, York University
Poster 20: DS-Connect: The Down Syndrome Registry, The Professional Portal and INCLUDE/Down Syndrome Research Plan, Sujata Bardhan, National Institutes of Health
Poster 21: Receptive and Expressive Syntax Development in Youth with Down Syndrome and Fragile X Syndrome, Sarah Nelson Potter, UC Davis MIND Institute
Poster 22: Standardized and novel executive function task performance in children with Down syndrome in relation to parent perception of executive function, Michelle Lopez, University of Arizona
Poster 23: Mechanisms By Which Early Eye Gaze to Multisensory Speech Influences Expressive Communication Development in Infant Siblings of Children with and without Autism, Pooja Santapuram, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Poster 24: The Impact of the FMR1 Premutation Phenotype on Mother-Child Synchrony in Fragile X Syndrome, Carly Moser, University of South Carolina
Poster 25: Do Socially Valid Interventions Influence Treatment Integrity and Reflect Changes in Challenging Behaviors?, Marisela Aguilar, Drake University
Poster 26: Factors Associated with Asthma for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Yue Xu, University of Illinois at Chicago
Poster 27: Variability and Change in Autism Symptom Severity Trajectories across Childhood, Einat Waizbard-Bartov, University of California Davis, Department of Psychology UC Davis MIND Institute
Poster 28: Parenting Stress in Caregiver-Mediated Interventions for Toddlers with Autism: An Application of Quantile Regression Mixed Models, Andy Schlink, University of California, Los Angeles
Poster 29: Parenting sleep practices and perceptions among infants with Down syndrome, Payal Khosla, University of Arizona
Poster 30: Associations between Social Attention Bias, Anxiety, and Autism Symptomology across Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Kayla Smith, University of South Carolina
Poster 31: Service Providers’ Language Abilities Effecting their Clinical Experience with Children from Multilingual Backgrounds, Suma Suswaram, University of Kansas
Poster 32: Mother, Father, and Adolescent Perspectives: Sibling Relationship Quality of Individuals with ASD, ID, or TD, Michelle Heyman, University of California, Riverside
Poster 33: Caregiver Fidelity: What can we learn from a Caregiver-Mediated Intervention for Toddlers with ASD?, Maria Pizzano, UCLA
Poster 34: Caregiver Reported Pain Treatment Practices by Pain Type in Girls and Women with Rett Syndrome., Abagail Raiter, Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare
Poster 36: Acceptability and Feasibility of the Autism Mentorship Program (AMP), Rebekah Hudock, University of Minnesota
Poster 37: Profiles of preschool children with Down syndrome at 12-month follow up after early language intervention, Casy Walters, Georgia State University
Poster 38: Predictors of Maternal Well-Being and Adolescent and Young Adult Behavior in Fragile X Families,Claudine Anglo, UC Davis MIND Institute
Poster 39: Reliability of Computerized Language Analysis (CLAN) to Evaluate Grammatical Skills of Individuals with DS or FXS, Lisa Hilliard, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Poster 40: Comparing approaches in parent-implemented intervention: An examination of parent sensitivity and responsivity, Sarah Vejnoska, UC Davis MIND Institute
Poster 41: The Association Between Expressive and Receptive Language and Joint Attention in Infants at Risk for ASD, Maira Tafolla, University of California, Los Angeles
Poster 42: Retrospective memory abilities of children with Down syndrome in comparison to typically developing children across time, Mary Godfrey, Drexel University Children’s National Medical Center
Poster 43: Interventions for Infants and Toddlers at Risk for Developing ASD: A Systematic Review, Elizabeth Isralowitz, University of Southern California SLIDES
Poster 44: Association of gestational age at birth with symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in children and adolescents with Down syndrome, Laura del Hoyo Soriano, UC Davis MIND Institute
Poster 45: Examining the Relationship between Suicidal Ideation and Treatment Outcome for Young Adults with ASD and Other Social Challenges Following the UCLA PEERS Intervention, Leila Solouki, University of California, Los Angeles Pepperdine University
Poster 46: Exploring Cognitive Flexibility Deficits Using Behavioral Tasks in Individuals with Fragile X Syndrome, Joy Li, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Poster 47: Concurrent Predictors of Pragmatic Communication in Children and Adolescents with Williams Syndrome, Amanda Harmon, University of Louisville Charleston Southern University
Poster 48:Impact of Intellectual Disability on Social Motivation in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Nicole Friedman,Center for Youth Development and Intervention, University of Alabama Department of Psychology, University of Alabama
Poster Reception 2
Wednesday, April 7 9-10:30 AM CDT
Poster 205: The Role of Sleep Quality, and its Relationship to Perceived Stress, in Overall Quality of Life for Autistic Adults, Kiley McLean, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Social Work
Poster 235: Community Factors and High School Services for Diploma-Track Students on the Autism Spectrum, Elizabeth Munsell, Boston University
Poster 49: Sensory mechanisms of motor variability and regularity in autism spectrum disorder, Robin Shafer,University of Kansas – Lawrence
Poster 50: Emotion Regulation and Word Reading Ability as Concurrent Predictors of Community Living Skills for Children and Adolescents with Williams Syndrome, Caroline Greiner de Magalhães, University of Louisville
Poster 51: Unmet health care needs and health care quality in youth with autism spectrum disorder with and without intellectual disability, Michelle Menezes, University of Virginia
Poster 52: Predictors of Compliance with Maternal Requests for Action by Adolescent Males with Fragile X Syndrome, Heather Fielding-Gebhardt, University of Kansas
Poster 53: Infants’ Behavioral Responses to Name are Accompanied by Greater Heart Rate Deceleration: A Biobehavioral Approach, Wei Siong Neo, Purdue University
Poster 54: Spatial and identity cues differentially affect implicit learning of children with autism in the contextual cueing task with human characters stimuli, YU XIE, East China Normal University The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Poster 55: Hyperlexia or Precocious Reading? Evidence from Brazilian Portuguese-speaking Preschool Children with ASD, Claudia Cardoso-Martins, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Poster 56: Caregivers’ Perspectives on Family Involvement during the Autism Evaluation Process, Ariel Blakey, Boston University
Poster 57: Is the strength of the relation between early parent follow-in input and later child vocabulary size in infant siblings of children with ASD conditional on engagement state or communication disorders? Madison Crandall, Vanderbilt University
Poster 58: Sensorimotor and cortical-cerebellar lateralization in autism spectrum disorder, Walker McKinney, University of Kansas
Poster 59: Investigating the two-hit model of autism: Puberty and peer-relations predicted depressive symptoms in autistic males, Jenny Phan, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Poster 60: Deficits in feedback and feedforward processes are distinct and vary across age in individuals with autism spectrum disorder, Kathryn Unruh, University of Kansas
Poster 61: Inhibition and Sustained Attention with Reported Changes in Adults with Down Syndrome, GayleFaught, The University of Alabama
Poster 62: Comprehensive Evaluation of Psychological, Neurocognitive, and Neurophysiological Phenotypes in FMR1 Premutation Carriers, Lauren Schmitt, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Poster 63: Mental state terms and linguistic synchrony among boys with fragile X syndrome and autism spectrum disorder, Nell Maltman, Waisman Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Poster 65: When word reading matches, do individuals with Down syndrome have reading comprehension comparable to typical readers? Alison Hessling, Baylor University
Poster 66: The Role of Verbal Working Memory in Conversational Discourse in Boys with Idiopathic ASD and FXS+ASD, Laura Friedman, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Poster 67: Telehealth Satisfaction Among Caregivers of Pediatric Psychiatry and Psychology Patients in the Wake of COVID-19, Victoria Rosen, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Poster 68: Relations of Restricted and Repetitive Behavior to Social Skills in Toddlers with Autism, Pang Xiong, University of Minnesota
Poster 69: Providing Behavior Support Services in a Community Based Program: Barriers and Quality of Life Outcomes, Victoria Chavez, Rush University Medical Center The Ohio State University
Poster 70: Network size, network diversity, and mental health among mothers of adolescents and adults with autism, Robbie Dembo, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Poster 71: Caregiver Involvement in Intellectual and Developmental Disability Research: A Systematic Analysis of Publication Diversity and Trends across the Decade, Lauren Grove, Montclair State University
Poster 72: Parental Well-Being and Family Relationships in Families Affected by Fragile X Syndrome, SarahNelson Potter, UC Davis MIND Institute
Poster 73: Early Developmental Concerns in 22q11.2 Deletion and Duplication Carriers, Eve Kortanek, Carleton College
Poster 74: Effectiveness of Responsivity Intervention Strategies on Prelinguistic and Language Skills of Children with ASD: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials, Jena McDaniel, University of Kansas
Poster 75: Understanding the Research-Practice Gap for Speech-Language Intervention via SLPs’ Endorsement of Myths, Hannah Malamud, Vanderbilt University
Poster 76: Spatial reconstruction deficits in Down syndrome, Maomiao Peng, University of Arizona
Poster 77: Barriers to Services for Immigrant Families of Children with Developmental Disabilities: A Scoping Review, Yao Wang, University of Maryland, Baltimore
Poster 78: Access to Early Interventions and Services for Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Rachel Gordon, Rush University Medical Center
Poster 79: 24-Hour Sleep-Activity Rhythms in Adolescents with Down Syndrome, Annalysa Lovos, University of Arizona Department of Psychology
Poster 80: Executive Functioning in Children with Developmental Delays: An Examination of Profiles, HannahBarton, University of Oregon University of Nebraska Medical Center, Munroe-Meyer Institute
Poster 81: Perspectives of Adults with Autism on Healthcare Experiences, Eleonora Sadikova, University of Virginia
Poster 82: School Supports and Educational Outcomes for Students with Sex Chromosome Aneuploidies, TaliaThompson, University of Colorado School of Medicine Children’s Hospital Colorado, eXtraordinarY Kids Research and Clinic Program
Poster 83: Response Inhibition Deficits in Women with the FMR1 Premutation are Associated with Age and Fall Risk, Carly Moser, University of South Carolina
Poster 84: Marital Satisfaction and Child Outcomes in Families of a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Testing Indirect Effects through Parenting Styles, Jessica Greenlee, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Poster 85: Longitudinal trajectories of respiratory sinus arrythmia suppression predict social anxiety symptoms in fragile X syndrome, Conner Black, University of South Carolina
Poster 86: Multisensory Perceptual Training in Youth with Autism: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Jacob Feldman, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Poster 87: Parent pain catastrophizing predicts post-surgical pain outcome following intrathecal baclofen implant surgery for patients with cerebral palsy, Chantel Barney, Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare University of Minnesota
Poster 88: Profile and Predictors of Adaptive Functioning Skills in 2- to 7-Year-Old Children with Down Syndrome, Angela Thurman, University of California Davis Health, MIND Institute
Poster 89: Manual Motor Control in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Their Unaffected Biological Parents, Erin Bojanek, University of Kansas
Poster 90: Impact of Stress and Sleep in Caregivers of Children with Neurogenetic Syndromes during COVID-19, Tyra Protho, Purdue University
Poster 91: Friendship and Anxiety/Depression Symptoms in Boys with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder, Christina Harkins, University of Virginia
Poster 92: Understanding Communication Outcomes of Children with Angelman Syndrome using the Observer-Reported Measure of Communication Ability (ORCA), Lisa Hamrick, Purdue University
Poster 93: Service access during the transition to adulthood for youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder: The role of parental advocacy, Chung Lee, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Poster 94: Self-Determination among Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Differential Treatment Effects by Gender, Emily Hickey, UW-Madison Waisman Center
Poster 95: Comparing Developmental Outcomes of Children with CLN2 Disease Receiving Cerliponase Alfa to a Natural History Cohort, Jessica Scherr, Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Poster 96: Influences of Sibling Disability and Parentification on Selection of Disability-Specific Helping Profession, Jenna Beffel, Michigan State University Center for Research in Autism, Intellectual, and Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Poster Reception 3
Thursday, April 8 9-10:30 AM CDT
Poster 97: Associations among pain neuropeptides and inflammatory cytokines/chemokines in plasma from children with and without self-injurious behavior, Adele Dimian, University of Minnesota
Poster 98: Therapist attitudes towards the implementation of a manualized socioemotional intervention for autistic children in community-based agencies, Nisha Vashi, York University
Poster 99: Predicting Teachers’ Perceptions of Upcoming School Transitions for Students with ASD, AmandaDimachkie Nunnally, University of California, Davis
Poster 100: Relations Between Maternal Language Input and Child Language Development for Children with Williams Syndrome, Abigail Fischbach, University of Louisville
Poster 101: Audiovisual Multisensory Integration in Individuals with Reading and Language Impairments: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Grace Pulliam, Vanderbilt University
Poster 102: Cultural Influences on Family Experiences with Early Screening for Autism Spectrum Disorder, DenizKizildag, Boston University Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Poster 103: A Comparison of Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia in Children with Autism or Typical Development Across Communicative and Cognitive Contexts: A Pilot Study, Katherine Bangert, University of South Carolina
Poster 104: Familial Autism Risk and the Emerging Autism Phenotype: A Comparison of Toddlers from Simplex and Multiplex Families, Torrey Cohenour, University of California, Los Angeles
Poster 105: The Relationship Between Cognitive Flexibility and Emotion Dysregulation in Children with Autism, Shelley Randall, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Poster 106: Employment and the Biomarkers of Early Alzheimer’s Disease in Down Syndrome, Brianna Piro-Gambetti, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Poster 107: Understanding the Relationship Between Maternal Use of Verbally Responsive Language and Child Language Development in Fragile X Syndrome: The Impact of Maternal and Child Characteristics, Lauren Bullard, UC Davis MIND Institute
Poster 108: Social Communication Outcomes: Use of the Brief Outcome Measure of Social Communication (BOSCC) in Minimally Verbal Children with Fragile X syndrome, Rebecca Shaffer, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Poster 109: Expressive communication growth trajectories of young children with autism: Exploring a novel progressing monitoring tool, Anna Wallisch, University of Kansas
Poster 110: Development of the Facilitators and Barriers to Health for Young Children with Down Syndrome Survey: FaB Health Ds, Angela Caldwell, University of Pittsburgh
Poster 111: Prevalence of Mental Health Conditions among Non-Latino White and Latino Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Mariana Davila, Texas State University
Poster 112: Associations between Parental Stress and Depressive Symptoms and Language and Communication Outcomes in Infant Siblings of Children with and without Autism, Jennifer Markfeld, Vanderbilt University
Poster 114: The Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Efficacy of Occupational Therapy in an Equine Environment for Youth with Autism, B. Caitlin Peters, Colorado State University
Poster 115: Contextual Determinants that Influence Family Partnerships During Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Service Delivery During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Andrea Barton-Hulsey, Florida State University
Poster 116: Impact of COVID-19 on telemental health treatment outcomes among caregivers of children with Angelman syndrome, Riley Felicicchia, Purdue University
Poster 117: Reading Comprehension in Adolescents and Adults with Down Syndrome, Susan Loveall, University of Nebraska – Lincoln
Poster 118: The Influence of Sleep on Verbal Skills in School-Age Children and Young Adults with Down Syndrome, Alison Luongo, University of Arizona
Poster 119: Familiality of Oculomotor Control Abnormalities in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Shannon Kelly, University of Kansas
Poster 120: Longitudinal Assessment of Intellectual Abilities of Individuals with Williams Syndrome: Bayesian Multilevel Modeling, Vitor Neves Guimaraes, University of Louisville
Poster 121: Vineland-3 growth scale value scores as an outcome in studies of intellectual disability: A simulation study, Cristan Farmer, National Institute of Mental Health
Poster 122: Pragmatic Communication Abilities for 6-year-old Children with Williams Syndrome, Angela Becerra, University of Louisville
Poster 123: Correlations between Parent-Reported Sleep and Executive Function in Down Syndrome, Hailey Van Vorce, The University of Arizona
Poster 124: Resting-state Emotional Network Differences Between Verbally Fluent Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder., Shauna Zodrow, Drexel University
Poster 125: Defining Expressive Language Benchmarks for Young Children with Down Syndrome, Leona Kelly, University of California Davis Health, MIND Institute
Poster 126: Creation of a Clinical Intake System and Corresponding Database to Explore Development and Medical Conditions of Individuals with Down syndrome, Margaret Hojlo, Down Syndrome Program, Division of Developmental Medicine, Boston Children’s Hospital
Poster 127: An Explicit-Visual Syntax Intervention for Minimally-Verbal Autistic Children, Bobbi Rohwer, University of Minnesota
Poster 128: Predictors of Attrition in an Early Intervention Trial for Infant-Toddlers at Risk for Autism, Kyle Sterrett, UCLA
Poster 129: First Three Years of a Down Syndrome-Focused Research Program: Updates on the INCLUDE Project, Rachel Goldman, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Poster 130: Neural Correlates of Audiovisual Multisensory Integration in Youth with and without Autism, Peter Abdelmessih, Vanderbilt University
Poster 131: Insiderness Within the Disability Community, Brittney Goscicki, Vanderbilt University
Poster 132: Resting State Language Network Differences Among Verbally Fluent Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Isabelle Kaminer, Drexel University
Poster 133: Parental Scaffolding of Play in Children with Developmental Disabilities: Comparing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder, Julia Mattson, University of Washington Seattle Children’s Hospital
Poster 134: Hierarchical Acoustic Structure During Parent-Child Interactions of Toddlers with Typical Development and Autism Spectrum Disorder, Olivia Boorom, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Poster 135: The eXtraordinarY Babies Study: Early Developmental and Adaptive Functioning Skills of Infants and Toddlers with Prenatally Identified Sex Chromosome Trisomies, Nicole Tartaglia, University of Colorado School of Medicine Children’s Hospital Colorado
Poster 136: Delivering Enhanced Milieu Teaching to Children with Down Syndrome via Telepractice, Emily Quinn, Oregon Health and Science University
Graduate Student Symposium
Structurally-Specific Lexical Diversity of Minimally Verbal Children with Autism, Claire Klein, Center for Autism and the Developing Brain, Weill Cornell Medicine University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Delay of Gratification in 6- to 8-year-olds with Williams Syndrome: Relations with Emotion Regulation and IQ, C. Holley Pitts, University of Louisville
A Multidimensional Investigation of Sensory Processing in Autism: Neurophysiological, Psychophysical, Self-Report, and Parent-Report Measures, Patrick Dwyer, University of California, Davis
Examining Verbal Ability as a Moderator between Mother-Child Relationship Quality and Child Maladaptive Behaviors in ASD, Emily Lorang, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Waisman Center
Spillover of Parenting Stress and Marital Interactions Among Parents of Children with ASD, Megan Krantz, Loma Linda University