The Poster Receptions will be held in the Pershing Place conference room. You can view a map of the poster board layout, below, to see where these posters will be located in the conference room.
- Psychometric properties of an inhibition task in young children with Down syndrome: Madison Walsh, Department of Human Development & Family Studies, Colorado State University; Mark Prince, Department of Psychology, Colorado State University; Kaylyn Van Deusen, Department of Human Development & Family Studies, Colorado State University; Miranda Pinks, Department of Human Development & Family Studies, Colorado State University; Anna Esbensen, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center; Kaila Yamamoto, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Lina Patel, University of Colorado-Anschutz Medical Campus Angela John Thurman, University California – Davis Mind Institute Robyn Tempero Feigles, University California – Davis Mind Institute Leonard Abbeduto, University California – Davis Mind Institute Lisa Daunhauer, Colorado State University Deborah Fidler, Colorado State University
- Greater family empowerment predicts lower depression among Latinx Mothers of Children with ASD: Amy Pei-Lung Yu , University of Texas at Austin; Sandy Magaña, University of Texas at Austin
- Clinical Variants for Brain Gene Curation: A Powerful and Under-Utilized Resource: Maya Chopra, Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard University
- Multidimensional analysis of behavior predicts genotype with high accuracy in a mouse model of Angelman syndrome: Joseph Tanas, Children’s National Hospital; Devante Kerr, Children’s National Hospital; Li Wang, Children’s National Hospital; Anika Rai, Children’s National Hospital; Ilse Wallaard, Erasmus MC; 6th author: Ype Elgersma, Erasmus MC. 7th author and presenter: Michael Sidorov, Children’s National Hospital and George Washington University
- Examining Correlates of Caregiving Support Networks Among Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) : Megan Best, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Meghan Burke, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Catherine Arnold, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Minimally verbal children are not a homogeneous group: Neural responses identify differences in receptive communication abilities in Rett and Angelman syndromes.: Alexandra Key, Vanderbilt University Medical Center; Dorita Jones, Vanderbilt University Medical Center; Sydney Roth, Vanderbilt University
- Test-retest reliability and diagnostic validity of self-report in depression and anxiety with children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD): Soo Youn Kim, The Ohio State University, Department of Psychology, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Child Development Center; Luc Lecavalier, The Ohio State University, Department of Psychology
- Identifying brain-based biomarkers in children with Down syndrome: Carol Wilkinson, Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School; McKena Geiger, Boston Children’s Hospital; Elizabeth Sauod, Harvard University, Boston Children’s Hospital; Nicole Baumer, Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School
- Modeling the consequences of seizures on behavioral outcomes in CDKL5 deficient mice: Isaiah Valentine, Baylor College of Medicine, Augustana College; Lauren Licursi, Baylor College of Medicine, Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute, Texas Children’s Hospital; Zachary Long, Baylor College of Medicine, Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute, Texas Children’s Hospital; Lisa Yuva, Baylor College of Medicine, Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute, Texas Children’s Hospital; Surabi Veeraragavan, Baylor College of Medicine, Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute, Texas Children’s Hospital; Christopher McGraw Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School
- The Influence of Sample Length on Reliability of Language Sample Measures for Young Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children: Morgan Oliver, University of Kansas; Karlin McGarvey, University of Kansas; Jena McDaniel, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine; Angie Walker, Kansas School for the Deaf
- Quantifying the Resilience Process in Response to Disruptive Life Events in Autistic Children: Jessica Greenlee, Lafayette College; Jennifer Putney, Washington State University; Marcia Winter, Virginia Commonwealth University; Sigan Hartley, University of Wisconsin Madison
- Comparing the Health of Special Olympics Athletes to those with and without Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities using National Surveillance Systems : Alicia Dixon-Ibarra, Special Olympics Inc, Oregon State University; John Hanley, Special Olympics Inc; Ashlyn Smith, Special Olympics Inc; Andrew Lincoln, Special Olympics Inc, Georgetown University Medical Center
- ASD Screening in Spanish: Do Direct Translation or Cultural Adaptation Maintain Psychometric Equivalence to the Original English Version?: Michaela DuBay, University of Virginia; John Sideris, University of Southern California; Erica Rouch, University of Virginia
- Behavioral characteristics of children with autism spectrum disorder born preterm and at term: Charlotte Lubowe, Case Western Reserve University; Jordan Lane, Case Western Reserve University; Anastasia Dimitropoulos, Case Western Reserve Univeristy
- Acceptability of Delivering Facing Your Fears via Telehealth for Adolescents with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Morgan Haga, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities; Rebekah Hudock, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities; Ariana Groen, Mankato State University – Mankato, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities; Carolyn Buller, Adler Graduate School, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
- Overimitation: insights from Down syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, and autism: Lauren Jenner, University of Surrey; Katherine Ellis, University of Surrey, University College London; Rachel Howard, University of Surrey; Emily Farran, University of Surrey; Joanna Moss, University of Surrey
- Quality appraisal and literature review of cultural adaptation of caregiver-implemented interventions for young autistic children: Hedda Meadan, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; James Lee, University of Washington; Michelle Sands, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh; Adriana Kaori Terol, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Melanie R Martin, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Christy Yoon, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Graduate Student
- Diagnostic Journey for Tuberous Sclerosis Complex – Interviews from a Clinical Trial: Carly Hyde, University of California, Los Angeles; Logan Shurtz, University of Texas Southwestern; Nicole McDonald, University of California, Los Angeles; Connie Kasari, University of California, Los Angeles; Shafali Jeste, Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles
- A novel iPAD assessment for examining memory and executive control in children with intellectual disability: Jamie Edgin, University of Arizona ; Kenneth Bottrill , University of Arizona ; Miranda Sampsel, University of Arizona ; Nancy Lee, Drexel University ; Len Abbeduto, UC Davis ; Robyn Tempero Feigles, Sarah Nelson Potter, Vivian Nguyen, Angela Thurman, Rebecca LaQuaglia, and Katharine Hughes
- Risk and Protective Factors of Sexual Victimization Among Autistic and Non-Autistic College Students: Natalie Libster, University of California, Los Angeles ; Connie Kasari, University of California, Los Angeles; Alexandra Sturm, Loyola Marymount University
- Effectiveness of the Low Glutamate Diet as an Adjunct Treatment for Pediatric Epilepsy: Gabrielle Sarlo, American University, Children’s National Medical Center; Kathleen Holton, American University
- Exploring differences in ultrasonic vocalizations in a mouse model of Angelman syndrome: Caleigh Guoynes, Children’s National Hospital; Yichi Zhang, Vanderbilt University, Children’s National Hospital; Michael Sidorov, Children’s National Hospital, George Washington University
- Shifting the Paradigm: Rethinking the Fully Methylated, Full Mutation Fragile X Male: Lauren Schmitt, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine; Christina Gross, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine; Kelli Dominick, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine; Craig Erickson, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
- Inclusive Classroom Speech: Language Rich Environments and Growth Over Time for Young Children with and without Disabilities: Rebecca Hacker, University of Kansas; Satwik Dutta, University of Texas as Dallas; Dwight Irvin, University of Kansas; Jay Buzhardt, University of Kansas; John Hansen, University of Texas at Dallas
- Caregiver-Reported Executive Function Profiles in Children with Down syndrome: Kaylyn Van Deusen, Colorado State University; Mark A. Prince, Colorado State University; Anna J. Esbensen, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, University of Cincinnati; Jamie O. Edgin, University of Arizona; Emily K. Schworer, University of Wisconsin, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center; Angela J. Thurman, University of California Davis Health Lina R. Patel, University of Colorado-Anschutz Medical Campus Lisa A. Daunhauer, Colorado State University Deborah J. Fidler, Colorado State University
- Examining the Relation between Telehealth Experiences in Early Intervention and Urbanicity Among Families of Young Children with Developmental Disabilities (DD): Kelly Keller, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Kaori Terol Aveiro, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Abby Hardy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Lauren Little, Rush University; Ashley Stoffel, University of Illinois at Chicago; Meghan Burke, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Associations between caregiver responsivity and language skill in infants at high- and low- neurogenetic risks: Katiana Estrada, Purdue University; Amanda Seidl, Purdue University; Bridgette Kelleher, Purdue University
- Neural habituation and its association with developmental outcomes in children with Fragile X syndrome: Winko An, Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Carol Wilkinson, Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School
- Scoping Review of Psychosocial Interventions in Neurogenetic Disorders: Ellora Mohanty, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Patricia Lasutschinkow, Eastern Michigan University; Marisa Fisher, Michigan State University; Bonita Klein-Tasman, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Age-related changes in functional skills and daily life task management in diploma-track autistic high school students : Yeook Kim, Boston University; Wendy Coster, Boston University; Gael Orsmond, Boston University
- Long-term Safety and Sustained Efficacy of ZYN002 Cannabidiol Transdermal Gel in Children and Adolescents with Fragile X Syndrome (ZYN2-CL-017): Nancy Tich, Zynerba Pharmaceuticals; Anthony Thibodeau, Zynerba Pharmaceuticals; Terri Sebree, Zynerba Pharmaceuticals; Thomas Dobbins, The Griesser Group; Stephen O’Quinn, Zynerba Pharmaceuticals
- Reward improves inhibitory control in adolescents with ASD and is associated with repetitive behavior severity: Kathryn Unruh, University of Kansas; Roxanna Hamidpour, University of Missouri-Kansas City; Matthew Mosconi, University of Kansas
- Barriers to goal attainment for Autistic youth and their family members: Sarah Roberts Carlson, University of New Mexico; Megan Best, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
- Dimensions of Job Satisfaction for Autistic Adults: Eman Durrani, Vanderbilt University Medical Center; Leann Smith-DaWalt, University of Wisconsin-Madison ; Tim Vogus, Vanderbilt University; Marsha Mailick, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Julie Lounds-Taylor, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
- A Novel Neuropsychological Assessment in Down Syndrome Youth via Telehealth Administration: Kenneth Bottrill, University of Arizona; Miranda Sampsel, University of Arizona; Kiara Garrett, University of Arizona; Nancy Lee, Drexel University; Len Abbeduto, University of California Davis; Robyn Tempero Feigles – University of California Davis (not student); Sarah Nelson Potter – University of California Davis (not student); Vivian Nguyen – University of California Davis (not student); Angela Thurman – University of California Davis (not student); Rebecca LaQuaglia – Drexel University (currently grad student at West Virginia University); and Jamie Edgin – University of Arizona (not student)
- Development of a coding system for dynamic system theory analysis of parent-child interactions in developmental disabilities samples: Breanne Byiers, University of Minnesota; Caroline Roberts, University of Minnesota; Jaclyn Gunderson, Mayo Clinic; Adele Dimian, University of Minnesota; Frank Symons, University of Minnesota
- Understanding measurement stability of child communication across communication partners: Jerrica Butler, University of Texas at Austin; Olivia Helm, University of Texas at Austin; Annabel Garza, University of Texas at Austin; Elizabeth Rodriguez, University of Texas at Austin; Micheal Sandbank, University of North Carolina; Lauren H. Hampton, PhD, BCBA-D, University of Texas at Austin
- Understanding the Effectiveness and Feasibility of a Family Navigator Program for Parents of Children with Autism from Low-Resourced Communities: W. Catherine Cheung, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Julianna Kim, University of Maryland; Meghan Burke, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Expanding the Observer-Reported Communication Ability (ORCA) Measure: Assessing the communication ability of individuals with rare, neurodevelopmental disorders: Christina Zigler, Duke University School of Medicine; Terry Jo Bichell, COMBINEDBrain; Molly McFatrich, Duke University School of Medicine; Nicole Lucas, Duke University School of Medicine; Leslie Zapata Leiva, Duke University School of Medicine; Kate Ehle, MSW – Duke University School of Medicine Harrison Jones – Duke University Kelly L. Gordon – Duke Health Elika Bergelson – Duke University Brittany P. Short, MS – COMBINEDBrain Kim Stephens, DBA, Project Alive and UNC Chapel Hill (K.A. Stephens) Haley Oyler, President – SETBP1 Society Leah Schust, Founder, Executive Director, Research Committee Chair – FamilieSCN2A Foundation Geraldine Bliss, CureSHANK Katherine Still, PhD Scientific Director, Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Foundation J. Michael Graglia, MBA, MA, Co-Founder & Managing Director – SyGAP Research Fund Kali Worth, SynGAP Research Fund Corey Baysden, SynGAP Research Fund Charlene Son Rigby, MBA, President – STXBP1 Foundation James Goss, PhD, STXBP1 Foundation Nuala Summerfield, Founder & Chair – Schinzell-Giedion Syndrome Foundation Liz Marfia-Ash, President & Founder – GRIN2B Foundation Christal Delagrammatikas, Director of Science and Research, Co-founder, Malan Syndrome Foundation Trish Flanagan, President – Yellow Brick Road Project (YBRP) Bryce Reeve, PhD – Duke University School of Medicine
- Activities, Peers, and Friendships among Adults with Disabilities: Edward LeMaster, Vanderbilt University; Maria Mello, St. John’s University; Bridgette Garcia, Vanderbilt University; Robert Hodapp, Vanderbilt University
- Thriving with intellectual disability: A photo elicitation study: Annie Mills, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada; Teresa Sellitto, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada; Lauren Bishop, Waisman Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA; Jan Willem Gorter, CanChild, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; Jonathan Weiss, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada
- Correlates of Single Word Reading in Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in K – 3rd Grade: Andrea Barton-Hulsey, Florida State University; Sara Collins, Florida State University
- Sensorimotor Behavior in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Their Unaffected Biological Parents: Erin Bojanek, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry; Shannon Kelly, Scholars Strategy Network; Lauren Schmitt, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine; Stormi White, Marcus Autism Center, Emory University School of Medicine; John Sweeney, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine; Andreas Sprenger, University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Lübeck; University of Lübeck Kathryn Unruh, University of Kansas Matthew Mosconi, University of Kansas
- Construct Validity of Spontaneous Language Sampling Contexts in 5-Year-Old Siblings of Autistic and Non-Autistic Children: Sophie Kaiser, Vanderbilt University; Jennifer E. Markfeld, Vanderbilt University; Grace Pulliam, Vanderbilt Brain Institute; Bahar Keceli-Kaysili, Vanderbilt Brain Institute; Jacob I. Feldman, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Vanderbilt Brain Institute; Tiffany Woynaroski 2Vanderbilt Brain Institute 3Vanderbilt University Medical Center 4Frist Center for Autism and Innovation, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA 5Vanderbilt Kennedy Center, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, USA
- Examining Conditional and Background Probabilities of Challenging Behavior in Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities During Psychotropic Medication Changes: Faith Hollihan-Moy, Drake University; Meg Dredge, Drake University; Claire Epperson, Drake University; Carissa Johnson, Drake University; Maddie Jones, Drake University; Maria Valdovinos, Drake University
- The influence of parent and couple characteristics on parental responsivity during parent-child interactions in families of children with fragile X syndrome: Sarah Nelson Potter, RTI International; Leonard Abbeduto, UC Davis MIND Institute
- Initial Outcomes of an Employment Intervention for Young Adults with Autism: Rebekah Hudock, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities; Annie Goerdt, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities; Chimei Lee, University of Minnesota; Mahasweta Bose, University of Minnesota; Morgan Haga, University of Minnesota
- Sibling relationships and distress in emerging adult siblings of individuals with and without autism: an exploration of coping: Shuqi Yu, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Carolyn Shivers, Niagara University, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Poster Reception Map