Reliability of Reduced Language Sample Length for the IPSyn: Research and Clinical Considerations, Adriana M. Valtierra, (Tackboard #1)
Characterizing Family Quality of Life, Parenting Stress and the Relationship Between These Factors in Families Raising Infants with Early Social Communication Delays, Daltrey Schmidt, (Tackboard #2)
Test-Retest Reliability of Automatic Language ENvironment Analysis (LENA) System Analyses with Young Children with Down Syndrome, Miriam Kornelis, (Tackboard #3)
Food-related visual attention in Prader-Willi syndrome during the early stages of hyperphagia, Charlotte Lubowe, (Tackboard #4)
Executive function profiles in preschoolers with Down syndrome: comparing children with and without elevated autism features, Chandler Knott, (Tackboard #5)
Using the Communication Complexity Scale to Assess Communication Skills in Young Children with Down Syndrome, Amanda Dimachkie Nunnally, (Tackboard #6)
I got 99 goals but rewards ain’t one: alignment of identified needs and strategies among schools implementing evidence-based practices for autistic students, Diana Cooney, (Tackboard #7)
Social Communication, Satisfaction, and Loneliness in FMR1 Premutation Carriers: Relationships and Sex-Based Implications, Mohima Ali, (Tackboard #8)
Concordance Between Observer- and Parent-rated Parent Engagement in Community Early Intervention Sessions for Autism, Jeyleen Morales, (Tackboard #9)
Development and Implementation of Resources to Improve the Medical Experience for Individuals with Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Abigail Siegel, (Tackboard #10)
Longitudinal investigation of gait and Alzheimer’s disease in adults with Down syndrome, Ashlyn Barry, (Tackboard #11)
Why are toddlers with greater likelihood for autism more unengaged during parent-child interactions? Preliminary evidence for hyporesponsiveness as a mediating mechanism, Wei Siong Neo, (Tackboard #12)
Remote Cognitive Measurement via Self-Administered Smartphone Apps for Adults with Borderline Intellectual Functioning: Preliminary Evidence of the Reliability and Validity of the Mobile Toolbox, Stephanie Ruth Young, (Tackboard #13)
A Phenomenological Study: Autistic Young Adult’s Lived Experience in Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, Jeeyeon Hong, (Tackboard #14)
Parent Participatory Engagement in Virtual and In-Person Community Early Intervention Services for Autism, Amirah Mohamed Rafi, (Tackboard #15)
Characterizing Service Receipt Among Families of Young Autistic Children from Low-Resourced Communities, Julianna Kim, (Tackboard #16)
The Predictive Role of Neural Index of Executive Functioning in Elementary Children’s Reading Comprehension, Qinxin Shi, (Tackboard #17)
Exploring the Experiences of Social Isolation and Loneliness for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities and Extensive Support Needs, Marisa Fisher, (Tackboard #18)
Working Memory and Processing Speed Do Not Account for Reduced Sentence Processing Speed in Women with the FMR1 Premutation, Thomas Christensen, (Tackboard #19)
Auditory Steady State Response and its Age-Related Changes in Patients with Phelan McDermid Syndrome and Idiopathic Autism, Abigaël Thinakaran, (Tackboard #20)
Additional Sleep Interview for Kids: A qualitative approach to investigating UK access to sleep services, Lauren Walters, (Tackboard #21)
Deleterious coding variation associated with neurodevelopmental disorders is consistent across populations, as exemplified by admixed Latin American populations, Joseph Buxbaum, (Tackboard #22)
Understanding Caregiver Demographics and Perceptions of Service Access: Insights from an NIH Clinical Trial for Caregivers of Children with Rare Neurogenetic Conditions, Haley Brown, (Tackboard #23)
Job Turnover for Autistic Adults, Eman Durrani, (Tackboard #24)
Pragmatics, Executive Function, and Autism Characteristics in Youth with Down Syndrome, Emma Smith, (Tackboard #25)
Feasibility of an Automated Dietary Assessment Tool for Capturing Food Intake and Variety in Autistic and Non-Autistic Children., Katherine Gowan, (Tackboard #26)
Longitudinal Trajectories of Maternal Stress for Mothers with Intellectual Disabilities and Borderline Intellectual Functioning, Weiwen Zeng, (Tackboard #27)
Measuring Friendship Qualities in 4-8-Year-Old Autistic and Non-Autistic Youth, Tyler McFayden, (Tackboard #28)
Quantifying autistic traits in Down syndrome: an initial investigation of effects of cognitive differences and comparison with a sample at higher familial likelihood for ASD, Carolyn Lasch, (Tackboard #30)
Feasibility of prefrontal measurement using fNIRS during an executive function task in Williams syndrome, Emma Condy, (Tackboard #31)
The Impact of Household Chaos on Children Emotion Regulation: The Mediating Role of Neural Index of Error Processing, QINXIN Shi, (Tackboard #32)
Neurodivergence and Adolescent Suicidality: Autism, ADHD, and Their Co-Occurrence, Kyra Fisher, (Tackboard #33)
Experiences of Autism Service Providers in the Mexico Border, Carmen Lucia Orendain Soto, (Tackboard #34)
Health Conditions associated with Early versus Late age of amyloid accumulation in People with Down syndrome, Courtney Brothers, (Tackboard #35)
Participant, Caregiver, and Facilitator Perspectives of a Community-Informed Driving Program with Cognitive Strategies Curriculum and AI-Based Driving Simulator, Amanda Ferrell, (Tackboard #36)
Caregiving for adults with Down syndrome: a qualitative assessment of experiences and support needs, Amy Bodde, (Tackboard #37)
Examining Diagnostic Overshadowing and Related Factors Among Mental Health Trainees Working with Autistic Youth and those with Intellectual disabilities, Flora Roudbarani, (Tackboard #38)
Co-Occurring Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Anxiety Disorder Diagnoses in the Context of Autism Diagnostic Evaluation, Evangeline Kurtz-Nelson, (Tackboard #39)
A novel Program Acceptability Tool for Telehealth (PATT) to assess patient-reported acceptability among caregivers of children with neurogenetic conditions., Kaleb Emerson, (Tackboard #40)
Caregiver reported behavior and mental health symptoms in children with Down syndrome compared to dual diagnosis Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorder, Allison Meyer, (Tackboard #41)
Unlocking Potential: Vocational Soft Skills Training for Autistic Transition-Age-Youth, Reilly MacDonald, (Tackboard #42)
Parent Training for Latinx Toddlers with ASD: Development and Adaptation, Luis Rivas Vazquez, (Tackboard #43)
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Access to Augmentative and Alternative Communication Among Families of Minimally Verbal Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Madeleine Hare, (Tackboard #44)
Vocational and Educational Outcomes of Adults with Fragile X Syndrome (FXS)., Nancy Brady, (Tackboard #45)
Understanding Therapy Utilization Among Autistic Adolescents: A Focus on Common Factors and Barriers, Marian Castro, (Tackboard #46)
Neurophysiology of perceptual closure abilities in autistic and neurotypical control children, Erin Bojanek, (Tackboard #47)
Can Caregiver Worry Indicate Social-Emotional and Behavior Problems and Competence Delays?, Sarah Heath, (Tackboard #48)
Reevaluating Quality of Life Measurements for Nonverbal Autistic Children: Addressing Applicability and Impact, alyssa clayton, (Tackboard #49)
Early childhood sensory hyperresponsivity and brain structure predicts later emergence of specific phobia in autistic youth with and without intellectual disability, Olivia Surgent, (Tackboard #50)
Motor measures matter: Developmental trajectories of motor skills in autistic individuals differ according to the assessment used, Allison Block, (Tackboard #51)
A Meta-Analysis of Reading Comprehension Interventions and Outcomes for Students with Intellectual Disabilities, Melinda Henson, (Tackboard #52)
Use of technology to enhance social connections, community participation and mental health for young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, Dara Chan, (Tackboard #53)
Intolerance of Uncertainty and Risky Behaviors among Neurodivergent College Students, Hayley Katz, (Tackboard #54)
Links between Sensory Responsiveness and Caregiver-Child Engagement in Infants with Autistic and Non-autistic Siblings, S. Madison Clark, (Tackboard #55)
EEG Measures of Cardiac Interoception in Autism: Correspondence with Self-Reported Interoceptive Confusion and Receptive Language, Alisa Zoltowski, (Tackboard #56)
A Lesson in Unpredictability: Exploring factors associated with collection of evaluable brain imaging data in children with an elevated likelihood for intellectual and developmental disability, Emily Kuschner, (Tackboard #57)
What drives caregiver pursual of an ASD diagnosis in a multi-stage screening study?, Lara Cunningham, (Tackboard #58)
The Impact of COVID-19 on Latine Caregivers’ Vaccination Attitudes for Children with and without Autism, Catherine Patino-Celedon, (Tackboard #59)
Advancing Measurement of Social Motivation: Evaluation of the Social Motivation Questionnaire in Infants with Down Syndrome and at High and Low Familial Likelihood of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Holly Baer, (Tackboard #60)
Prevalence of Perinatal Health Disparities among Medicaid-Enrolled Birthing People with IDD with and without Down Syndrome, Molly Sadowsky, (Tackboard #61)
Relations between Mastery Pleasure, Negative Affect, and Behavior Problems in Children with Williams SyndromeRelations between Mastery Pleasure, Negative Affect, and Behavior Problems in Children with Williams Syndrome, Alecia Mercier, (Tackboard #62)