Closing Remarks
Gatlinburg conference wrap-up and an announcement about the location of the next year's conference.
From Trials to Triumphs: Exploring Treatment Success in Autistic Individuals
Recent methodological advances have allowed researchers to better study the variability in intervention outcomes amongst autistic individuals. This symposium will highlight the work of three research groups, each using rigorous and innovative methods to better understand individual responses to treatment…
Implementation of Caregiver and Educator Mediated Interventions to Best Support Outcomes for Young Children with Autism and Developmental Disabilities
Implementation of Caregiver and Educator Mediated Interventions to Best Support Outcomes for Young Children with Autism and Developmental Disabilities. This panel will share findings on from five different experimental intervention studies across four presentations, each examining considerations for the implementation…
Innovative Approaches to Increase Employment Rates for Autistic Transition Age Youth and Young Adults
Autistic adults’ employment rates remain extremely low, posing a clinically significant problem given the benefits of employment for well-being, independence and life satisfaction in all adults. We present integrative cross-disciplinary strategies to improve employment outcomes in autistic individuals. Dr. Brianne…
Implementation Leadership across Systems and Interventions for Autistic Children: From Research to Real World Application
Education and mental health are two key public service sectors providing care to autistic children. However, while autism evidence-based interventions (EBIs) are available (Wong et al., 2015), they are not routinely delivered in these settings (Brookman-Frazee et al., 2010; Stahmer…